


*Object Oriented Programming

Unit I Basics of Programming
Concept of Object Oriented Programming, Difference between C & C++. OOP and it advantages. Standard input and standard output operators. Defining Classes in C++, data members & member function, instantiating and using Classes. Exception Handling, Constructor and Destructor - Using Constructors, Multiple Constructors and Initialization, Copy Constructor, Using Destructor to Destroy Instances

Unit II Inheritance and Polymorphism
Inheritance and Polymorphism - Defining Base and Derived Classes. Access Modifiers – private, public and protected. Overloading and Overriding, Operator Overloading (arithmetic operators only) Virtual Function & Polymorphism, Friend Function, Static Function, this pointer

Unit III Java as Object Oriented Programming Language
Overview Features of Java, the Java Programming environment – (JDK, command line tools), Fundamental Programming structures in Java, Class, Object, Using predefined classes, Defining your own classes, constructors, static data member and methods, inner classes and anonymous classes, introduction to interface, its structure and implementation.

Unit IV Inheritance and Multithreading in Java
Inheriting variables and methods in class, inheritance and constructors, abstract class and final class, object wrapper and autoboxing, inheritance and interfaces, introduction to packages, introduction to Multithreading, life cycle of a thread, thread states, thread properties, methods in Threads and Runnable, setting priority of threads, synchronization and inter thread communication, introduction to exception handling, predefined and user defined exceptions.

Unit V Applet ,AWT and Swing
Introduction to applet, life cycle of applet, development and execution of simple applet, drawing simple geometry shapes in applet, Introduction to AWT, events, listeners, event handling methods, a small application to demonstrate use of controls – label, button, check box, text, radio button, layout. Introduction to swing, difference between swing and AWT, Japplet class, icons, small application using Jlablecontrol, JtextField, Jbutton, Jcheckbox, Jcombobox, Jradiobutton

*Database Management System

Unit I Introduction To DBMS
Introduction: Database Concepts, View of Data, Database System Architecture, Data Models, Database Design, ER Model: Entity, Attributes, Relationships, Constraints, Keys, ER Diagram, Design Issues, Extended E-R Features, converting E-R & EER diagram into tables, Relational Model: Database Schema, Keys, Relational Algebra

Characteristics and advantages, SQL Data Types and Literals, DDL, DML, SQL Operators, Tables: Creating, Modifying, Deleting, Indexes, SQL DML Queries: SELECT Query and clauses, Database Modification using SQL Insert, Update and Delete Queries, Set Operations, Predicates and Joins, Set membership, Tuple Variables, Set comparison, Ordering of Tuples, Aggregate Functions, Nested Queries, Views: Creating, Dropping, Updating using Views, PL/SQL: concept of Stored Procedures & Functions, Cursors, Triggers, Assertions, roles and privileges

Unit III Relational Database Design
Relational Model: Basic concepts, Attributes and Domains, CODD's Rules Relational Integrity: Domain, Referential Integrities, Enterprise Constraints Database Design: Features of Good Relational Designs, Normalization, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition using Functional Dependencies, Algorithms for Decomposition, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF

>Unit IV Database Transactions and Query Processing
Database Transactions: Transaction concepts, ACID properties , Concept of Schedule, Conflict Serializability, View serializability , Cascadeless Schedules, Recoverable and Non recoverable Schedules, Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols, Deadlock Handling, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Recovery methods : Shadow-Paging and Log-Based Recovery, Checkpoints Query Processing : Query Processing, Query Optimization

Unit V Advanced Databases
Database Architectures: Centralized and Client-Server Architectures, 2 Tier and 3 Tier Architecture Introduction: Parallel Databases, Distributed Databases, NoSQL Database, Architecture : Parallel Databases and Distributed Databases, Types and examples of NoSQL Database- Key value store, document store, graph, CAP theorem and BASE Properties, Comparative study of SQL and NoSQL

*Elective I : Artificial Intelligence

Unit I Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Intelligent systems, What is Artificial Intelligence, Foundations of AI, History of AI, Applications of AI, AI representation, Intelligent agent - Environment, characteristics, behaviour, concept of Rationality, structure of agents.

Unit II Search Techniques
Solving Problems by Searching: Study and analysis of various searching algorithms. Uninformed Search Strategies: Breadth-first search, Uniform-cost search, Depth-first search, Depthlimited search, Iterative deepening depth-first search, Bidirectional search Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies: Greedy best first search A* search: Minimizing the total estimated solution cost, Conditions for optimality: Admissibility and consistency, Optimality of A*, Heuristic Functions, Hill climbing, Constraint satisfaction problem.

Unit III Knowledge Representation
Definition of knowledge, properties for knowledge representation system, predicate calculus connectives, variables and quantification, Predicates and arguments, ISA hierarchy, Introduction to non monotonic logic, TMS(truth maintenance system), Statistical and probabilistic reasoning

Unit IV Planning and Learning Methods
Planning: Introduction : Search in planning, search vs planning, planning as problem solving, components of a planning, Forward planning, Nonlinear planning using constraint posting, Hierarchical planning. Learning: Introduction, Learning methods, Introduction to Neural Networks, Working of a Neuron, The basic components of ANN, Issues related to Neural computation, Feedforward Networks, Backpropogation Algorithm, Applications of Neural Networks

Unit V Natural language processing and Expert systems
Natural Language Processing: Language Models, Steps in NLP, Syntactic Analysis (Parsing), Semantic interpretation, Discourse and pragmatic Processing, Text Classification. Discourse and pragmatic Processing, Implementation aspects of Syntactic Analysis (Parsing) Expert Systems: What is Expert system, Utilization and functionality of Expert system, Architecture of Expert system, Components of Expert system, Case study based on Expert System

*Elective I : Information Retrieval

Unit I Introduction
Introduction to Information Retrieval: Goals and history of IR, Components of an IR system, Early Developments – The IR Problem , Information versus Data Retrieval, The Software Architecture of the IR System, The nature of unstructured and semi-structured text, Inverted index and Boolean queries.

Unit II Text Indexing, Storage and Compression
Text encoding: tokenization, stemming, stop words, phrases, index optimization. Index compression: lexicon compression and postings, Lists compression. Gap encoding, gamma codes, Zipf's Law. Index construction. Postings size estimation, merge sort, dynamic indexing, positional indexes, n-gram indexes, real-world issues.

Unit III Modeling and Retrieval Evaluation
Basic IR Models , Boolean Model ,TF-IDF (Term Frequency/Inverse Document Frequency) Weighting, Vector Model , Probabilistic Model , Latent Semantic Indexing Model , Neural Network Model , Retrieval Evaluation , Retrieval Metrics , Precision and Recall , Reference Collection , User-based Evaluation , Relevance Feedback and Query Expansion , Explicit Relevance Feedback.

Unit IV Web Mining
Web Structure, content and usage mining, Web Crawling, Indexes, Search engines; spidering; metacrawlers; directed spidering; link analysis (e.g. hubs and authorities, Google PageRank), Information Extraction, spam filtering, XML retrieval.

Unit V Performance metrics
Recall, precision, and F-measure; Evaluations on benchmark text collections, TREC Tracks. Social Networks : Social Web, Blogs, Wikis, Forums, Social Network analysis, Recommender systems, Information Filtering, Collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation of documents and products.

*Elective I: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Unit I Introduction to Computer Graphics
Definition, Application, Pixel and Frame buffer, Raster and Random Scan display, display devices-CRT, Color CRT Monitors ,Conversion of line- DDA algorithm of line drawing, Circle drawing, Scan conversion of circle Bresenham's line and circle drawing algorithm Polygon Filling- Scan line polygon filling algorithm, Animation – What is Animation, Uses of animation ,Types of Animation, Graphic Animation, Computer Animation-2D and 3D Animation, Basics Principles of animation, Techniques of animation

Unit II Introduction to Augmented Reality
What Is Augmented Reality - Defining augmented reality, history of augmented reality, The Relationship Between Augmented Reality and Other Technologies-Media, Technologies, Other Ideas Related to the Spectrum Between Real and Virtual Worlds, applications of augmented reality Augmented Reality Concepts- How Does Augmented Reality Work? Concepts Related to Augmented Reality, Ingredients of an Augmented Reality Experience.

Unit III Augmented Reality Techniques
Marker-based approach- Introduction to marker-based tracking, types of markers, marker camera pose and identification, visual tracking, mathematical representation of matrix multiplication Marker types- Template markers, 2D barcode markers, imperceptible markers. Marker-less approach- Localization based augmentation, real world examples Tracking methods- Visual tracking, feature based tracking, hybrid tracking, and initialisation and recovery

Unit IV Introduction to Virtual Reality
Concepts of Virtual Reality, History of VR, Human Physiology and Perception, Key Elements of Virtual Reality Experience, Virtual Reality System, Interface to the Virtual World-input & output- Visual, Aural & Haptic Displays, Applications of Virtual Reality

Unit V Representing the Virtual World
Multiple Models of Input and Output Interface in Virtual Reality: Input -- Tracker, Sensor, Digital Glove, Movement Capture, Video-based Input, 3D Menus & 3DScanner. Output -- Visual /Auditory / Haptic Devices, Interactive Techniques in Virtual Reality: Body Track, Hand Gesture, 3D Menu, Object Grasp. case study: GHOST (General Haptics Open Software Toolkit) software development toolkit

*Advanced Web Technology

Unit I ECMAScript 6
The let keyword, The const keyword, Arrow Functions, For/of, Map Objects, Set Objects, Classes, Promises, Default Parameters, Function Rest Parameter, Arrays methods , New Math Methods, New Number Properties, New Number Methods, New Global Methods, Object entries, JavaScript Modules

Unit II Node.js
Introduction to Node.js: advantages of Node.js, traditional web server model, Node.js process model , setup Dev Environment,Node.js Modules: Functions, Buffer, Module, Module Types, Core Modules, Local Modules, Module.Exports, Node Package Manager, Built-in Modules, HTTP module, File Module, Events, creating web server

Unit III ExpressJS
Basics of ExpressJS , Restful services, Introducing Express, Building your First Web Server, Nodemon, Environment Variables, Route Parameters,Handling HTTP GET Request, Handling HTTP POST Request , Calling Endpoints Using Postman, Input Validations, Handling HTTP PUT Request, Handling HTTP DELETE Request ,Project- Build the Genres API

Unit IV ReactJs
Work flow of ReactJs, Scope of ReactJs, Advantages of ReactJs, React Components overview, Containers and components, ReactJs Environment Setups, Best IDE for ReactJs, Write optimized code in ReactJs, ReactJs browser plugins overview, Use of ReactJs forms and UI

Unit V Database connectivity with MongoDB and Firebase MongoDB:
Basic Database Skills, Databse Drivers - Mongoose, MongoDB compass, MongoDB Concepts, MongoDB CRUD Operations Firebase Basic: Read Data, Write the data, Query the Data, Indexing Data, Firebase Development Environment and Authorization and Validation

*UI/UX Designing

Unit I Introduction and Overview The Human –I/P, O/P channels, Human Memory, thinking, emotion, individual difference (diversity), human psychology . Introduction to User experience and user interaction-Usability of interactive systems, goals and measures, Universal Usability, Characteristics of graphical and web user interfaces, guidelines, principles and theories of good design, User Experience- Concept of UX, Trends in UX, 6 Stages used to UX design , Applications of UX design

Unit II Design Process Managing design processes, organizational design to support usability, pillars of design, development methodologies, Human considerations in Design, Usability- principles to support usability, assessment in the design process, Usability problems, practical measures of usability, objective measures of usability, golden rules of interface design, Evaluating Interface Design –Introduction, Expert reviews, Usability testing, Acceptance tests, Legal issues

Unit III Interaction Styles Direct manipulation and virtual environment, Develop system menus and navigation schemes-Structure of menus, Function of menus, content of menus, phrasing the menu, navigating menus, kinds of graphical menus, form fill-in and dialog boxes, command-organization , functionality, strategies and structure, naming and abbreviations, interaction devices, collaboration and social media participation

Unit IV Implementation support and Screen Based Controls Implementation support: Support, training and learning, requirement of user support, element of windowing systems, Individual window design, multiple window design, command organization strategies command menus, natural languages in computer Screen Based Controls: Selection control-Radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, Read-only controls- text boxes, Operable controls - buttons, slider, tab, scroll bar, clear text and messages, text for web pages, Graphics, icons and images, Presentation controls-Static text fields, Group boxes, column headings, tool tips, progress indicators

Unit V Design Issues Quality of service- Models of response time impacts, user productivity, variability in response time, Balancing function and fashion- Error messages, display design, web page design, window design, color, Information visualization – data type by task taxonomy, challenges for information visualization, societal and individual impact of user interface Text Book